Welcome to the official website of Conscious Talks, hosted by Joseph McDonald.
Joseph is a self-identified philosopher, and entrepreneur among many other titles.
Alina is a professional photographer, mother, and creator of beauty.
They met in February 2023 and got engaged one year later, since then they have been working together to make the world a better more conscious and more beautiful place.
Learn more by exploring their many businesses and through their About page.
More about Conscious Talks
Conscious Talks is a passion project created by a need to help raise human consciousness. If you want to subscribe to the idea of reincarnation, Joseph is not shy to share the idea that his soul comes from another place beyond Earth. With this belief comes the idea that the Earth and Humanity are an important place in the universe and for the heavens. To be here in this epic time of Earth’s history is more than a privledge, it comes with a responsilibty and so it is the mission of Joseph and his guests to help raise consciousness by exploring what it means to be conscious.
Topics discussed on Conscious Talks
Even among the first few episodes the ranges of topics has varired greatly from community to meditation, from alien abductions to business, from marketing to religion, all things artistic, beautiful, interesting and conscious are welcome.